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Class B Exam Candidates

This is an important notice for the Class B Exam 2022 candidates.

Please note that the Practical Workshop prior to taking the Class B examination is mandatory for all candidates. The Class B Syllabus states in the Assessment paragraph that “A practical assessment detailed in sections 8e and 8f of the syllabus requires demonstration of setting up a radio transmitter/receiver and correct on-air operating“. Further details in paragraph 8e and 8f of the Syllabus. View the Syllabus on this link. Other information is available on the website in the Licences tab.

Unfortunately, the recent invitation for the practical workshop had a poor attendance probably due to candidates not realising that it is a requirement prior to taking the written exam schedule for 18th September 2022 at Emtel house Ebene.

Candidates will be notified of next Practical Workshop date.